277 projects submitted within the first calls for proposals for Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova

277 projects submitted within the first calls for proposals for Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova

The first calls for project proposals launched within the Interreg NEXT Romania-Republic of Moldova Programme closed on February 9th, 2024. 277 projects were submitted, targeting the fields of education, health, tourism as well as investment in climate change prevention, biodiversity, governance and border management. The non-refundable value of the submitted projects is 211 million Euro.

Launched in August 2023, the call for proposals for regular projects (projects that include an investment component of at least 60% of the project budget) has an allocation of 40 million Euro and will finance investments in climate change prevention, education, health, tourism and border management. Within this call, 167 projects were submitted, with a non-refundable value of 176 million Euro.
The call for proposals for small scale projects was launched in September 2023, with a budget of 19.4 million Euro to finance activities designed to prevent and fight climate change, protect biodiversity, health, education and governance. All 110 submitted projects total 35 million Euro, non-refundable funds.
The projects were submitted by public authorities active in the fields stated above, NGOs or professional associations. Each project must have at least one partner from each participating state, with the participation of a maximum of 4 partners per project being allowed.
In the following period, the projects will be subject to the evaluation and selection procedure, and those that best meet the requirements of the Applicant's Guidelines and that consistently contribute to the development of the communities in the border area, will be contracted.

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