Instruction No. 9 bis regarding specific provisions for the closure of projects funded under the ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme Romania – Republic of Moldova 2014-2020
Note for beneficiaries of the ENI CBC JOP Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014-2020 regarding the adequate audit trail of supporting documents related to expenditures
Instruction no 9 from November 23, 2023 regarding specific provisions for the closure of projects funded under the ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme Romania – Republic of Moldova 2014-2020
Instruction no 7 of June 2022 on the obligation of the beneficiaries to upload projects' information and documents to EMS ENI electronic system
Instruction no.6 of April 8, 2021 (Annexes)
Instruction no 3 from November 2020, modifying Instruction no 2 from October 2, 2020 laying down specific provisions for beneficiaries regarding the expenditure verification of a grant contract funded under the ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme Romania – Republic of Moldova 2014-2020 (Annexes)
Instruction no 2 from 02 October 2, 2020 laying down specific provisions for beneficiaries regarding the expenditure verification of a grant contract funded under the ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme Romania – Republic of Moldova 2014-2020 (Annexes)