The Joint Monitoring Committee is composed of representatives of the local, regional and central authorities from the states which participate in the programme. Each participating country has equal voting rights, regardless of the number of representatives appointed.
The Joint Monitoring Committee monitors the carrying out of the programme, examines all the problems which affect its performance, has the possibility to issue recommendations to the Managing Authority regarding the implementation. The works and decisions of the Joint Monitoring Committee are based on the principles of transparency, equal treatment, non-discrimination, objectivity and fair competition.
The Joint Monitoring Committee approves the selection criteria of projects and is responsible for the evaluation and selection procedures applied to the projects which will be funded by the programme.
The Managing Authority is responsible for the management of programme in accordance with the principle of sound financial management and assures that the decisions of the Joint Monitoring Committee comply with applicable low and provisions.
The Ministry of Development, Public Works, and Administration was nominated by the two countries as the Managing Authority of the Joint Operational Programme Romania – Republic of Moldova 2014-2020.
The Managing Authority launches calls for proposals and following the selection process signs financing contracts with the beneficiaries and monitors the implementation of projects.
The Managing Authority assures the information of beneficiaries for the good implementation of projects.
The Joint Technical Secretariat is established to assist the Managing Authority, the Joint Monitoring Committee and the Audit Authority in the fulfillment of their functions.
The Joint Technical Secretariat operates in the Regional Office for Cross border Cooperation from Iași. The organization fulfilled a similar function in the programming period 2007-2013 for the Romania-Ukraine -Republic of Moldova Programme, having hired staff from both countries, with experience in project management.
The Joint Technical Secretariat performs activities of information and advertising regarding the programme, performs the pre-contracting visits for selected applicants and supports the beneficiaries during the project implementation period.
Each participating country appointed a National Authority whose role is to answer for the creation and functioning of management and control systems at national level.
Thus, in Romania the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration was appointed as National Authority, while in Republic of Moldova the Ministry of Finance was appointed as National Authority.
The National Authorities support the Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat in the monitoring of projects on their own territory facilitates the communication with beneficiaries, etc.
The National Authorities offer support to the Managing Authority for establishing the evaluation criteria and contractual provisions by assuring the conformity with the national legislation.
To assure a better communication with the interested Parties (e.g. potential beneficiaries, beneficiaries or other structures) from Republic of Moldova and to facilitate their access to the programme information one branch office of the Joint Technical Secretariat operates in the Republic of Moldova.
The activity of the Office of the Joint Technical Secretariat is focused on communication actions and support for beneficiaries.
The branch office of the Joint Technical Secretariat offers support to the Managing Authority/ Joint Technical Secretariat during the contracting process by providing information about the national legislation of Republic of Moldova, regarding specific issues, support the Joint Technical Secretariat in the project monitoring process, by organising visits to project partners from the Republic of Moldova and perform ex-post visits to the projects located in the Republic of Moldova for the purpose of checking the sustainability of projects.
The Audit Authority from the Court of Accounts of Romania was nominated by the participating countries as the Audit Authority for the programme. In the fulfillment of its assignments the Audit Authority works independently from the Managing Authority.
The Audit Authority performs the annual audit of management and control systems, on a corresponding sample of projects and on the accounts of the programme.
The Audit Authority is assisted by a group of auditors comprising representatives of the Republic of Moldova and Romania. The institutions acting as members of the Group of Auditors in each country are:
Each participating country appointed a Control Contact Point to support the Managing Authority for the performance of checks in the whole programme area.
Romania appointed the Ministry of Public Works, Development and Administration as the Control Contact Point. This function is assured by a specialized unit which works independently from the Managing Authority and the National Authority. The Control Contact Point performs the checking of 100% of expenses declared by the beneficiaries who are on the territory of Romania, including the check on the spot.
The control contact point in Republic of Moldova is responsible for pre-selection of independent auditors in accordance to the criteria foreseen by art 32 of the Commission Implementing Regulation no 897/2014.