


Employment contest at Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Iasi, October 16th, 2017

Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Iasi is currently looking for candidates to fill the following two job positions for supporting the activities of the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) of the Joint Operational Programme Romania –Moldova 2014 – 2020 and the Joint Operational Programme Romania –Ukraine- Moldova 2007-2013:

  • Deputy Director within the JTS for the JOP ROUAMD 2017-2013 / STC Director for JOP ROMD 2014-2020.
  • Monitoring Officer Implementation for the JOP ROUAMD 2017-2013 / JOP ROMD 2014-2020.

Deadline for submission of applications is October 13th 2017, 16:30 (Romanian time).

Additional information is available by accessing the following links:
Job Requirements

The selection will take place on October 16th, 2017 at 10:00 hours (Romanian time), at the headquarters of Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Iasi.

The selection will have the following sections: written test, English language test, computer operating skills test and interview.

For further information, please contact :
Mr. Silviu Simionescu, responsible for human resources,
phone: +40 232 270646, Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.