Beneficiary: Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova
Project title: Rehabilitation and modernization of the Customs Office Giurgiulești
Deadline for submission of offers:January 13, 2020, Time 10:00 AM
Details: http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/prag/document.do, https://customs.gov.md/ro/content/rmco, https://tender.gov.md/ro/bap
Beneficiary: The Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova
Project title: Rehabilitation and modernization of the customs offices from the Romanian/Moldavian border, respectively the public finances and fiscal-fiscal responsibility customs offices of Albița – Leușeni, Sculeni – Sculeni and Giugiulești – Giurgiulești
Deadline for submission of offers: 06.11.2019
Technical project services and technical assistance during the execution of the construction- CPV codes71220000-6 and 71356200-0, for the investment objectives of Avrămeni, Călăraşi, Drăguşeni, Durneşti, Rădăuţi Prut and Ungureni Police Station buildings-REPEATING
Beneficiary: Botoşani County Police Inspectorate
Project: THOR Project – ”Regional cooperation for prevention and combating trans-border criminality in Romania and Moldova”
Deadline for submission of offers: 10.10.2019
Technical project services and technical assistance during the execution of the construction- CPV codes71220000-6 and 71356200-0, for the investment objectives of Avrămeni, Călăraşi, Drăguşeni, Durneşti, Rădăuţi Prut and Ungureni Police Station buildings-REPEATING
Beneficiary: Botoşani County Police Inspectorate
Project: THOR Project – ”Regional cooperation for prevention and combating trans-border criminality in Romania and Moldova”.
Deadline for submission of offers: 10.10.2019