Changes in human colonic microbiome in antibiotic generated stress
Changes in human colonic microbiome in antibiotic generated stress
Project main objective is to set up a joint CBC network in molecular research focused on establishing the impact of antibiotic treatment on human colonic microbiom in order to create a measurable proof of antibiotic induced changes and promote a new restrictive protocol for antibiotic usage as a way to reduce costs and limit the development of multi resistant germs.
Project start date: 09.10.2020
Project end date: 09.04.2022
The socio - economic potential of Galati-Cahul border region will be evaluated and the needs of the local population regarding the economic activities and sustainable use of aquatic resources in protected areas will be reassessed. The project partnership will enhance the institutional capacity of ICDEAPA and its partners for applied research aiming to capitalize the cross-border potential of aquatic resources in a sustainable manner in the Lower Meadow Prut area.