If two forms of territorial-administrative organization from both Romania and Republic of Moldova have a twinning agreement, is it possible for them to apply with a project that is written jointly or separately? What is the contribution to the project and is it possible to obtain co-financing in other projects?
The twinning agreement between two forms of administrative – territorial organizations is not a prerequisite of the Programme or a mandatory requirement comprised in the Guidelines for Applicant and cannot replace in any manner whatsoever the Partnership Statement (Annex C) or the Partnership Agreement (Annex L). Partners shall appoint one organization to act as Applicant who will take full responsibility for the submission of the project proposal and later, provided that the project is awarded a grant, will take the responsibility of implementation of the entire project. For the complete framework of eligibility requirements and the cross border character of the projects, please analyze carefully sections 1.4.4 Cross border character of the projects, 2.2 Applicants and Partners. Eligibility requirements, 2.3 Partnerships. Eligibility requirements, 2.4 Projects and Activities. Eligibility requirements, 2.5 Costs. Eligibility requirements of the Guidelines for applicants..
– Co-financing is at least 10% of the project value. This must be ensured, at the project level, by all partners. All project Partners will include costs for their share of activities in the individual budgets (see the mandatory CBC criteria, joint staffing and joint financing), comprising both a share of grant and a share of co-financing. However, the project Partners are free to decide over the distribution of the co-financing among them.
For the Romanian beneficiaries, the Government Ordinance no. 29/2015 regarding the allocation of external grants and national public contribution, for the “European Territorial Cooperation” Objective, with subsequent amendments shall be applied.
– As a project leader, an institution can only participate in one project per priority.
– As a partner, there is no limitation.
– The maximum number of partners is 4, the minimum number of partners is 2.